Thursday, September 19, 2024 |
[email protected] Arizona, USA |
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander?"
few days ago, a Nigerian-Canadian citizen and immigrant, Amaka Sonnberger, was swiftly arrested for using inciteful and hate rhetoric against a sectional ethnic group of Nigerians in Canada. Amaka intends to poison any other ethnic groups eating in Nigerian-Canadian restaurants. Within days, Amaka was arrested, facing several criminal or felony charges in the Canadian law court. Law is an ass in the Western nations. 'No O`gá, I beg sir.' Amaka would surely be punished because Canada is a nation where the rule of law works.
If some people involved in fraudulent scams in Nigeria could be subjected to arrest and prosecution, the seven pertinent questions we are asking:
Number 1. Why not arrest the spiritual bandits selling 'the miracle water' to gullible individuals and other objects of embarrassment called 'mumu followers?'
Number 2. Why did it take this long before NAFDAC could issue their overdue 'Press Release Statement?'
Number 3. What is NAFDAC's excuse for this taking so long?
Number 4. Does Nigeria have a Consumer Protection Agency overseeing what citizens consume daily?
Number 5. Why is the con goose being arrested and punished by law enforcement agencies while the spiritual gander is not detained for questioning and punishment?
Number 6. Why is Nigeria a nation full of the nuances of hypocrisy?
Number 7. Are these gods of men and clerics above the rule of law?
To our law enforcement agencies and NAFDAC, concerned and responsible citizens want answers to these seven pertinent questions!