Wednesday, February 21, 2024
[email protected]
Arizona, USA

- igerian Amazons
I- n the murky terrains of polity
G- race is your political weapon
E- ducation is your significant sign
R- uminate over 2027
I- nvolve thyselves in politics
A- cquire a pivotal role in politics
N- ation building is your role

W- oe unto to who will debar you
O- f imagination, wishes are doable
M- en have proven to be jerks
E- ncrust in the polity of Nigeria
N- igeria is your motherhood

T- ether your men to get untethered!
H- old patriarchal schisms for freedom
E- ntangle smitten-nest to men's void

T- ime has blossomed you
I- nvest in Nigerian future politics
M- ove ahead of time to realize it
E- ducation isn't your burden!

H- olistic care is needed
A- hemorrhaged nation needs care
S- leep not, our Amazonians

C- ome home to roost your clime
O- n the match again, invoke ace
M- mumble Moremi's spirit
E- ntangle to emancipate Nigeria!!!