Wednesday, February 21, 2024
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Arizona, USA

pproximately two decades ago, we predicted the evolving ugly trend in the body of Christ and the general oozing haze in Nigerian religious circles. God is not happy with our people's hypothesis of hypocrisy. And for Christ's sake, Nigerians must give back what belongs to Ceasar to Ceasars!

Suppose Jesus Christ or Muhammed decides to come to Africa today sacredly. In that case, the Prophetic duo will probably go to Rwanda or the Niger Republic to oversee a failed Africa from atopic state of health! Nigeria has failed in its continental responsibilities to transform its people in Africa. If Jesus or Muhammed comes to Africa, the faithful or honest people's poetic rhapsody will begin from these (Rwanda and Niger Republic) two African nations. The imaginary Noah Ark may elude a sailing sinful Nigerians.

The blaspheme of God in Africa is too egregiously shocking and appalling. Most religious folks in Nigeria are in the sainthood sanctuaries during the day; they are existential threats and wolves in the dark of the night. The pastorenuers' preys enable and defend their religious buccaneers at the slightest provocation, which is beyond rational human comprehension. How can a nation wanton in chronic hypocrisy of prayers and expect God's mercies? God belongs to more than 7 billion humans in the universe. Our people imaginarily drink tea with God and blasphemously speak in argon or jargon to Him as if God belongs to Nigeria or Africa alone!

The predictable, impoverished followers of yesterday have morphed into the egregious leaders of today, and the ignorant followers of today are politically and religiously groomed to mount the mantle of leadership of a predictable tomorrow. Who will reconstruct and reorientate our people's psychology—their deadliest enemy?

The current regime in Nigeria will be in the same history book of leadership's failure if it fails to engender a benevolent democracy to punish every corrupt citizen, including itself. Participatory democracy is a crucible of catalyst for failure in Nigeria. It has always prepared recipes for current national disasters. The participatory system of democracy in Nigeria, sadly, has no democratic potency to deal with its chronic corruption. Nigeria needs a benevolent or mild autocratic democracy—a system of government where long-time imprisonment or capital punishment is used to spare no one when they're caught with corrupt practices.

As long as there is no capital punishment to deter corruption or swearing an oath of office with Sango, Ogun, Agwu, or Amadioha, our beloved nation is yet to see absolute poverty. We can't be eating our cake and expect to have it. God is too cheap to ignorant Nigerian religionists! For decades, and to God's inimitable patience, Nigerians have been mockingly praying to God with deliberate indifference. God is mockingly looking down to see if our people will repay their pretenses obediently with repentance to recoup or regain His grace!