Wednesday, August 7, 2024 |
[email protected] Pennsylvania, USA |
ood morning. You don't know me, but I was you yesterday, crying about the corruption that is called governance in Nigeria. I was you, watching my tomorrow sold down the river in 'Ghana Must Go' bags. Unlike you, I lived in fear. Fear of imprisonment, fear of persecution, fear of being shot by policemen who are only doing the bidding of their masters while I fight for their tomorrow. Fela could not have described me better when he sang: "My people sef de fear too much/ we fear for wetin we no see/ we fear the air around us. We fear to fight for freedom/ we fear to fight for liberty. I no wan die/ I no wan quench/ mama de for house/ papa de for house." Or something along those lines. So deprived of a voice, intolerant of a bleak future, tired of watching politicians robbing me dry, I went on economic exile.
But you represent for me a greater hope for tomorrow. Watching you fighting this fight against the old guard who have no new ideas to offer and who are disconnected from you, fill me with pride and joy. Watching you take to the streets, demanding that the government rein in its excessive and reckless spending; asking for more accountability from your leaders and insisting that your voices be heard, makes me so proud to be Nigerian I lack the words to describe it. Perhaps they thought you would be just another youth, staying silent while they plundered and mortgaged your future. Perhaps they thought you would keep quiet while they stashed the nation's wealth in foreign banks while they trained their children abroad to take over from them. Perhaps they thought you will be perpetual slaves to their children. Oh, how you have proved them wrong! Braving the cold morning, defying threats of being shot, imprisoned or disappeared, accused of being used by the opposition, labeled as a agents with ulterior motives, you have overcome all suspicions and attempts aimed at causing disunity amongst you and given life to the words of the UB40 song: "We will no longer hear your commands/ we will seize the control from your hand. We will fan the flame of our anger and pain until you feel ashamed of what you do in God's name." You have held your ground in the face of so much suspicion, labels, divisions, hijackers, and government agents. The people in power have tried to downplay the seriousness of your intentions. We heard the Senate President mock you, claiming that he will be eating while you are out protesting. To such insensitivity, I say, "make him eat his words." Under no circumstances is anyone to make light of your struggle. In the space of one year, we have watched the situation deteriorate for the common man. We have watched our national currency take a freefall; staple foods fly beyond the reach of the common man, workers' wages barely able to keep the average worker alive. While the lot of the average Nigerian goes down, the ruling elite have never had it so good. We see them dressed in fine clothes and eating the finest meals while the rest of us die. We watch with alarm at the paycheck and allowance of the average lawmaker and court judges get hiked up; we see the president treating himself to a presidential jet and a new palace for his Vice President. We witnessed the bloating of civil service with ministries being created to placate cronies. A thousand special advisers giving worthless advice to a clueless government, tone deaf and insensitive to the cries of the populace. How could we, as Nigerians, be so thirsty when we live surrounded by water? They have tried to guilt your struggle by pointing to rioters and looters and miscreants as the poster child of your efforts. Truth be told, the riots and mayhem were not caused because you protested. These things happened because there was bad governance. If the government had not laid a foundation of incompetence, the youth would have had no cause to protest or the rioters to capitalize on the situation. Do not be distracted from your noble purpose. Fight until victory is won. If there is looting, robbery and vice going on, it is the job of the law enforcement agencies to combat it. That should not stand in the way of your God-given right to protest bad governance. Do not allow any brand of blackmail, guilt-trip or false outrage stop you from telling the government that they are here to serve the people and, not the other way round. As we enter Day 6 of this planned protests, I have nothing but pride and gratitude for your efforts. You have restored my manhood. Seeing you taking over the streets, seeing the politicians taking to their heels swells my heart with pride and I urge you to continue, finishing strong on Day10 and beyond, if necessary. In conclusion, I welcome this baptism by fire. Gold is refined by fire. We shall pass through this phase, just as we passed through endSARS, June 12 and many other civil disobediences. I love you all, I applaud you all. Aluta continua! Victoria acerta!