Tuesday, July 16, 2024
[email protected]
Cameron, Texas, USA

"O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? After starting in the Spirit, are you now finishing in the flesh? Have you suffered so much for nothing, if it really was for nothing? Does God lavish His Spirit on you and work miracles among you because you practice the law, or because you hear and believe?"--- Galatians 3:1-5 (THE HOLY BIBLE)

ou are being lied to; I am being deceived and all Americans, indeed the whole world are being deceived. Go and take a look at the lugubrious show played out to the nation and the entire world in Pennsylvania last week by the Trump Presidential Campaign Organization that an assassin shot at the former president. You don't have to be a professional and skilled marksman, shooter or a sniper to see through the gobbledygook that was being fed beguiled citizens of America and the world. Please be rational. Put on your thinking cap and do not suspend commonsense. This is a high-stake canard. Go back and play the tape of the so-called assassination attempt on the former president and look at it critically. Everything was staged. We need to ask questions after watching that bizarre so-called assassination attempt on the life of the former president by deceased Thomas Matthew Crooks. So we were told and shown that this 20-year old was spotted by supporters of Mr. Trump at the political rally in Butler, PA last Saturday and shouted at the poor boy but paradoxically, the Secret Service and other snipers in the roofs refused to do anything. The next level in this carefully choreographed chimera was the former president turning right way and touching his wry ear and blood gushing out. Please ask yourself with common sense; how did the blood get to the right ear of the former president? Was Mr. Crooks the alleged shooter of Mr. Trump the one that aimed his gun at Mr. Trump? If he were the shooter as we are being told and shown on television, did his bullet hit Mr. Trump in the ear? Can a bullet travel from where Mr. Crooks was shown to be standing where he allegedly aimed at Mr. Trump hit the former president and the bullet would not enter his eardrum and most possibly his brain? Was the bullet from Mr. Crook's firearm deflected before it hit the former president and how?

The next drama we saw and watched on television in this stage managed plot and macabre publicity seeking spectacle was the so-called Secret Service Agents huddling together to ferry the former president out of the dais. How funny that a man who was truly wounded by a sniper would be bleeding and had the composure to raise his hand up with a clenched fist! Do you know what it means to be hit by a sniper or shooter's gun from the rooftop and the bullet would not sink into the ear or brain of the former president? More spiels were to follow after the bizarre show put out to the nation and the world by Mr. Trump and his handlers. We were told that he was rushed to a nearby medical facility in Butler PA. What is the name of the medical facility? Who attended to the former president: nurses and or medical doctors? How severe was the wound inflicted on the former president by the alleged Mr. Crooks the so-called assassin? How much blood did he lose? How many bullets were extracted from the former president's ear, brain or skull? Were the bullets extracted or are they still lodged in his ear or brain? Maybe the former president was created with steel and iron which made his ear or skull impregnable to bullets? Why have the medical doctor or doctors and nurses who attended to the former president yet to address the media? Woo!

It is the greatest hoax of the New Millennium that Mr. Donald Trump was nearly assassinated in Butler, PA at a campaign rally. The American people and the world are being deceived. Those involved in this lugubrious staged deception should speak up now!


Now more deceptions were to follow in these lurid and sensational plots of malarkey to deceive, bamboozle and hoodwink the American people and the world. Mr. Trump left straight from being shot at to his presidential aircraft after leaving the medical facility he was allegedly rushed to for treatment and headed to Milwaukie, Wisconsin the venue of the Republican Party National Convention. No band aid and no drugs administered to him and no press conference addressed by the health personnel that treated him for his wounds? Here is a self-styled boulevardier pathological serial liar, a rapist, a pedophile and a felon all in tow spinning this yarn on America and the entire world and we all believed him? Goodness! More than 72 hours after Mr. Trump was nearly liquidated, not a picture of his wife, former First Lady Melania by his bed side and not a word from his favorite daughter Ivanka and not a sight of his last son, Barron. This is witchcraft at its zenith, writ large. Can a whole nation, indeed the world be bewitched? Absolutely! Let all those involved in this nonsense speak up please! Mr. Thomas Matthew Crooks was killed to hush up all these lies just as the hush money to Stormy Daniels was carefully choreographed until the lid was blown off and today we all know the truth. This is another lie we should not allow to go unexposed. No assassin was after Mr. Donald Trump. It was all a hoax and the truth will soon come out. A self-absorbed and publicity-seeking narcissist inebriated with power will do anything to achieve his dream. Americans should not be deceived. This dragon should be slayed now!


President Ronald Reagan was treated at George Washington University Hospital when he was wounded by his assassin, John Hinckley Jr on March 30, 1981. According to President Reagan on the failed assassination: "Getting shot hurts."

Dr Joseph Giordano who treated President Reagan at the George Washington University Hospital in 1981


First Lady Nancy Reagan with President Reagan at the GWU Hospital where he was treated for gunshot wounds in 1981 assassination attempt.


Where is the former First Lady, Melania Trump if truly her husband, former President Donald Trump was indeed shot at in Pennsylvania last Saturday? Are we to believe that Mr. Trump was truly shot at and his favorite daughter Ivanka Trump would not be at her father's bedside in Butler? If the former president was rushed to Butler Memorial Hospital for treatment, what is the name of the medical doctor and other personnel that treated the former president? Can the medical doctor tell the whole world the wounds and extent of blood lost by the ex-president? How long was the ex-president at Butler Memorial Hospital and why was he cleared to go home for the gunshot from his alleged assassin? Questions, questions and puzzles indeed!

Nancy Reagan and First Daughter Patty Davis escorted President Reagan out of the hospital after an assassination attempt on him in 1981



Wherever the Holy Spirit directs and moves us, there we shall go as long as we are enabled to reach more souls for the Kingdom of our Lord, Master and Savior Jesus Christ, Hallelujah! As Apostle Paul disclosed: "I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction" (2 Timothy 4:1-2).

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The True Lord God Almighty has placed us on this planet earth for a time like this and we should seize all and every available opportunities to reach souls for the Good News of salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. I align myself with Apostle Paul thus: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile" (Romans 1:16). Consequently, we are mow on the popular social media: TikTok. All our activities at The Jesus Christ Solution Center and Neal & Associates Consulting Group, our published books and indeed, all that the Holy Spirit is using us in the Body of Christ are now in one place on Tik-Tok. The Good News of Salvation is for all; men, women, boys, girls, male, female, black, white, rich, poor, old, young indeed for the entire human race.


We are called to proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Jesus Christ we proclaim is God Incarnate born sinless. He lived as human, though He is God to save us from Satan. He died on the Cross to shed His Blood for our sins to satisfy the righteous demand of a Holy God that without the shedding of blood, no forgiveness of sins. He paid the ransom for our sins. On the Third Day, He resurrected and today, He has the Power and Authority in heaven, on earth and in the nether gloom, because Death could not hold Him since He did not sin but took the punishment in our stead. He is reigning in the hearts of us who have put our trust and faith in Him. He is coming back to take us who are His Own to where He has promised to prepare for us, heaven. While we expect His imminent return, we appeal to you to forsake your sinful ways and join us together to fight our common enemy: Satan. Join us in the spiritual battle for the souls of human beings and make heaven. Don't go to hell.

Finally, the Holy Spirit moved and instructed us to debut on YouTube. At last, we are now ready to take the world for our Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.

Click to Watch our Channel now:

The Lord Jesus Christ moved mightily in fall 2023 in South Africa by exposing the Kingdom of Darkness. Here was what the Holy Spirit taught us. What is witchcraft? How are humans initiated? What are the reasons people ventures into this dark act? How do witches operate and how do they summon demons? What are the signs of witchcraft activities in today's church and how to recognize witches and wizards masquerading as "pastors" and workers in the church? How can you overcome their activities in your Christian Life? Watch the though-provoking expose now on our YouTube Channel: -


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Now that you have accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ which He truly is, you need to saturate yourself with the Word of God so you can grow in your new faith. You need to change and renew your mind with the Words of God which are contained in the Greatest Book on earth given to humanity as a compass to navigate our paths in this Satanically-controlled and demon-infested earth following the fall of our First Parents in the Garden of Eden. That Book is the Holy Bible. The three basic reason for this is that the secular education has been totally corrupted by Satan hence, the Holy Spirit commanded us in Romans 12: 2:" Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will." You can't discover His Will for your life now that you are one of His Own until you read His Word. Second, there is a spiritual war afoot and in the not-too-distant Time Street over your life now that you are a child of the King. Satan and his demons, including their human agents will fight to bring you back to their cursed and darkened kingdom. You need to know how to fight through the deployment of the Word of God, because from now onward, "… our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:12-17). Thirdly, you need the Word of God for good success according to Joshua 1:8: "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."

We will love you to join our weekday Bible Class from Monday to Friday. Our normal E-Congregation Assembly Bible Classes at Cameron TX is through Goggle Meet. To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link: Or open Meet and enter this code: sda-viuf-yrr

Time: 3:30pm Texas Time/4:30pm New York EST/10:30pm Nigeria/12:30am following day in Kenya. Its 4:30pm EST in the United States. Click this link for your Time Zone

We would love to see and welcome you to our midst. We are drawn from four Continents of Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia at our 5-Day Monday to Friday Bible Classes and be rest assured there is a seat waiting for you among the children of the Most High God. Our Teacher is the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-16) and all of us are His children and students. You are blessed as we anticipate your congregation with us in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

. You can also visit our websites at: - and


WORLD EXCLUSIVE! The hoax known as assassination attempt on Mr Donald Trump
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