Friday, May 10, 2019
[email protected]
Cameron, Texas, USA

"Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done,…"---(Holy Bible Isaiah 46:9-11).

he current emir of Kano, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi who adopted the name Muhamadu Sanusi II upon ascending the revere throne of his forefathers on June 08, 2014 has 90 days from the day of this publication on the throne. His Royal Highness would not die, but he would be removed as the emir of that ancient city, unless he moves fast and spiritually to kybosh what the Holy Spirit is showing us right now here at The Jesus Christ Solution Center, Cameron TX in the United States of America. How did I know that the days of Emir of Kano are numbered? Because the Holy Spirit Who is showing me the latest news and future of the former CBN Governor also showed us in 2014 that Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi would be crowned as the emir of Kano. You see, we boast in this column all the time in the Power of the Holy Spirit, because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the repository of power, temporal, secular and spiritual, in the heavens, on earth and all realms, Hallelujah! As scriptures aptly said: "He who boasts -let him or her-boast in the Lord" (I Corinthians 1:31, Jeremiah 9:24). Why do we the true and genuine prophets of the True Living God boast in the Awesome Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is God-in-flesh and the repository of Power in all realms, because as He said: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me…" (Matthew 28:18). Not only has the Lord God Almighty the Father given all powers and authority unto the Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; the Risen Lord of the heavens and the universe has also transferred powers and authority onto us His true and genuine Chosen Ones as His Ambassadors here on earth, Hallelujah! These delegated powers come with authority, because the Lord God the Son merited it for He gave Himself to us by shedding His Precious Blood on Cavalry and won us back into unbreakable relationship with our Heavenly Father as His redeemed sons and daughters. He disclosed this as much in Luke 10:22: "All things have been committed to me by Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Those delegated powers and authority are what we use for prophetic utterances in this column and you will do well to pay attention, believe and trust us.

Ever before Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi mounted the exalted throne he currently occupies, we announced it in this column in 2014. His granduncle, the iconic Ado Bayero was on the throne then and we saw his transition in the spirit and announced it in this column. Let's rehash history for memory sake. On Thursday January 2, 2014 as published in The Christ Walk column, we disclosed thus: "Alhaji Ado Bayero, the Emir of Kano should pray fervently to survive this year…" Here is the link to that prophecy in this column five years ago, including other equally prophecies that appeared insitu:-

( The Word of Life warned us that, "…we should not treat prophecies with contempt" (I Thessalonians 5:20). In another off-pat rendition of that scripture, the Holy Bible in Basic English warned thus: "Do not make little of the words of the prophets" (I Thessalonians 5:20 BEV). Even though some humans worship other gods apart from our Rock, the prophecies of the King of kings and Lord of lords as delivered to His Chosen Ones must be fulfilled. In that same prophetic revelation, we disclosed that then Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, by virtue of being a prince of the Kano Emirate would be favored to succeed his granduncle. Here were our exact words again in this column on the same prophecy: "Dr Sanusi Lamido Sausi will be torn between two career choices this year; to become the new Emir of Kano or contest for the presidency of Nigeria." Let me state it here categorically that, if Dr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi had contested for the presidency of Nigeria in 2015 against President Goodluck Jonathan and then retired Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi would have defeated both Jonathan and Buhari in the 2015 Presidential Election. The history of Nigeria would have taken a different trajectory. As it turned out, Dr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi chose to go for the Emir of Kano and as the Holy Spirit showed us, our prophecy was fulfilled. But we told him in this column that, if care was not taken and the former CBN Boss didn't do certain things, he would be deposed and dethroned from the Emirship. Again, these were our exact words as published in this column on Saturday January 12, 2016-about 19 months after his coronation as the 14th Emir of Kano:

"KANO STATE: The political status quo will remain here till 2019 as the incumbent will remain in the saddle for his constitutional terms of four years each. The current Emir of Kano, former CBN Governor, Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi should be extremely careful about his security so his reign would not be short lived like that of his

*In 2013, we revealed our New Year Prophecies for the following year 2014 the death of Alhaji Ado Bayero, the 13th Emir of Kano and it was fulfilled on June 06, 2014. In the same prophecy, we disclosed his successor to the throne; and that was then CBN Governor, Dr Sanusi Lamido Sanusi who was crowned the 14th Emir of Kano on June 08, 2014. But we warned in 2016 that the reign of Emir Sanusi Lamido Sanusi-Muhammadu Sanusi II-may be brief as he may be dethroned, That prophecy will be fulfilled in the next 60 days unless the emir takes certain and urgent 7 spiritual steps to remain on the throne as the Holy Spirit showed me.


He should pray for his aged mother to make it through the year 2016." Click the link below to read the full prophecies and others as published three years ago:-

( Now the Holy Spirit is telling us that the days of Emir Lamido Sanusi of Kano are numbered, unless he takes certain spiritual steps. If he doesn't, he will end up like his grandfather, Emir Muhammadu Sanusi who was deposed as Emir of Kano in 1963.


Dear Pastor Moshood Fayemiwo, On behalf of myself, wife and children, I wish to express our heartfelt condolences to you and Dr, Margie-Neal Fayemiwo on the untimely death of your son, Late Oluwafemi Emmanuel Fayemiwo. May the good Lord comfort and console you. May He grant you the fortitude to bear this great loss. Amen. Ever since I stumbled on your column over six years ago, you have been a source of blessing and inspiration to me, (including many people I have introduced your column to) and humanity at large. May God almighty who has called you into ministry renew your strength and uphold you. You will not falter in Jesus mighty name! Amen.

God will not forsake the righteous; neither will He justify the wicked. The righteousness of a righteous man will answer for him or her in time to come and the wickedness of a wicked man or woman will fall upon him or her: it is a question of time. Please accept our condolences. Remain blessed---From Biodun Akinboye, Lagos Nigeria.


It's with rude shock and pain to read in your last article of the departure of your dear son to the great beyond. May the Lord Almighty give you the fortitude to bear the lose. May his dear soul rest in peace. May The Almighty God console you and heal the pain in your heart in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. The Lord will protect you and your family Amen---From Pa and Mama Obafemi, Lagos Nigeria.


Hello Sir, Good Evening Sir. Please accept my sincere condolences regarding the passing of your son, Oluwafemi Emmanuel Fayemiwo. I pray the Lord Jesus Christ comfort and strengthen you and your family and give you all the fortitude to bear the loss, Amen. Regards---From Oluwayimika Jolaolu, London UK.


My dear Dr Moshood Fayemiwo...Death is only a temporary separation. The spirit lives on and your beloved son has gone to rest while we all await the 2nd coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the fullness of time you shall reunite with him again. Then the mystery of death would have been broken. So be at peace Sir and look forward to seeing him again while he rests for the time being. May the Lord grant you and your family the fortitude and grace to bear his sad but temporary departure, Amen. Be emboldened Sir Regards---From Doubra Porbeni , Rivers State, Nigeria.


Good morning dear Sir, I am writing to express my sincere condolences over the sudden and shocking loss of your son, Oluwafemi Emmanuel Fayemiwo. May he rest in peace with our Lord Jesus Christ (Amen). May the Lord Jesus comfort and strengthen you and your family during this difficult and trying period (Amen). I know there is nothing I can say or do to help at this time but I'm remembering you and your loved ones in my prayers. Your brother in Christ---From Afolabi Obisesan, Minnesota, USA.


Hello Dr Moshood, I just wanted to express my sympathy and heartfelt condolences to you and family about the death of your son. Losing a loved one is painful and only the Lord God would fill the void at this trying time. Please again, accept my sympathy.

Thanks--- From Toate Gabago, Arizona, USA.


Dear Dr, Moshood Fayemiwo; With a rude shock I read about the demise of your son and I express my Sincere Condolence to you sir. I check almost everyday ever since I discovered your publications and after our various correspondences spanning two weeks before now but nothing showed up only to see the head line concerning the death of your dear son.

May God of heaven grant you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss, strengthen and give you peace in the continuation of the work He has called you to do. It is well with you and your family sir. Yours sincerely,---Adewale Peter Agboola, Lagos, Nigeria.


I have been following your publications and I was shocked to read about the demise of your son. The devil has once more proved it will stop at nothing in its war against the children of God, and not even His prophets. I pray and know that God in His infinite mercy will give you the grace to bear the loss. Please accept my heart-felt condolences and extend same to your family---From Chris Odume Houston, Texas, USA.


Dear Sir, I am so sorry for the loss of your son. It is always very painful to read or hear about the death of beloved ones. Please, sir, remain strong as God gives you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. Please, sir, do not be discouraged as your thought-provoking pieces and spiritual tonics on national issues are invaluable to our national soul. Accept my condolences, sir. Remain blessed.--From Yahaya Balogun Arizona, USA.


Dear Dr Fayemiwo, I read about the death of your beloved son, I pray that God will continue to move you from strength to strength in Jesus Mighty name Amen. I am an avid reader of your column and I always believe in whatever you write with regards to revelations from God. I am not a born again Christian, but I want to be one, I envy those in Christ, I've tried to go it alone, but have not achieved any success please pray for me, I don't want to end up in hellfire. I know that you hear from God and I believe in my heart that God will always hear you once you pray to Him. Once again accept my condolences and do pray for my soul. Regards---From Chiedozie Okerue, Owerri Imo State Nigeria.

Dear Okerue, yes you're right; there is no other life outside our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You need Him in your life fast and immediately. You are also right that hell fire exists and those who rejected our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will eventually spend eternity in that horrible and stench place. Call me immediately please and let's talk about this because as the Holy Bible reminds us: "Behold, now is the time of favor, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2). Tomorrow may be too late, because we do not know when death will strike. Thanks for your condolences.


Dear man of God, Good evening and please accept my sympathy on the demise of your son. I read of it with great shock of what could have happened to a young healthy looking man of 26 years old, to take his own life (Suicide) just like that? I support your reason for autopsy and postmortem examination to be carried out to ascertain the cause of his death. I and my family stand with you in prayer and I pray that, God in His infinite mercy will give you the fortitude to bear this great lose. Bear with me for my reaching out to you late. Once again, sorry, and accept my condolences. May his soul rest in peace, Amen---From Brother Folorunsho Adebiyi. The Netherlands.


My dear Man of God--Dr Moshood Fayemiwo. Please accept my condolences and very deep sympathy on the passing away of your second Son. My wife who has never met you and a few of the children who know about you and your commission through my mentioning you, also express their sympathy through this medium. I read your dirge and the historical background of what led to this tragedy. Very touching indeed! I thank The Lord for giving you the faith, courage, and spiritual strength to take matters as they are. The Almighty GOD knows best and does not do evil. HE is our GOD and a most passionate and considerate Father. There is nothing more to add to what you have written and the hundreds of messages that are flowing in from readers of your column in the on line Most importantly is the fact that the young man knew the Lord, confessed and accepted JESUS CHRIST as His Lord and Savior whilst alive. Glory be to God for this. It means we only lost him physically in this sinful world and those of us who accept, believe and confess JESUS CHRIST as Our Lord and Savior shall be reunited with him in heaven where we shall part no more! GLORY, HONOUR and ADORATION be unto OUR LORD GOD in all situations!!! With respects and every blessing! Sincerely---From Daddy Anifalaje, London UK.


Dear Dr Moshood Fayemiwo, With deepest sympathy, I write to offer my condolences on the sudden passing of your son Oluwafemi. I pray that the Lord God Almighty will give you and the family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. Please take heart and remain blessed in the Lord. Yours sincerely---From Okey Muomah, Lagos Nigeria.


My brother, I read of the recent transition of your son. Take heart as the Holy Spirit comforts you and yours in a way that He alone can. His continued grace, mercy and peace abide with you in this season. It is well. Shalom. Be comforted wit these words:

"....that in all things, He might have the pre-eminence..."There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; The other is to refuse to accept that which is true.----------Soren Kierkegaard---From Chuma Okere, PhD, University of Abuja, Abuja, FCT Nigeria.


My dear Fayee,I am writing to commiserate with you on the passing of Femi. I knew him as a little boy in Ghana in the late 90s. Considering the personal sense of loss that I'm having about him, I could only imagine what you are passing through. I pray that God will award Femi eternal peace, and grant you and the other people he left behind the nerve to bear the loss. Olorun ko ni je ki iru eleyi sele mo. Once again, my family sends condolences to you and the other members of your family. I implore God to continue to sustain you, my dear friend---From Dele Ajaja, Los Angeles, CA USA.


Dear brother, please accept my deep condolences on the death of your son - Oluwafemi Emmanuel Fayemiwo. I have not checked the Nigeriaworld for a while but read about the sad news concerning the death of such a promising man yesterday. You are a man of God, and I deeply commiserate with you and pray that God Himself will comfort you---From Mr. John Ayodele, Atlanta, GA, USA.


PROGRAM NOTE: If Satan and his fallen spiritual bastards, including their pitiful and pathetic human hirelings think they can distract us here at The Jesus Christ Solution Center, Cameron TX USA on our God-given assignment, they are sorely mistaken. My son is in heaven and I will go to him in the distant future. But our series on false prophets and false denominations which we started few weeks ago will resume apace after this mourning period. Take it or leave, we shall not be distracted!