"So, Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground" --- New King James Version, NKJV (THE HOLY BIBLE)
"Now Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and He let none of his words fail." --- New American Standard Bible, NASB (THE HOLY BIBLE).
e do not name drop in this column. How many names of precious souls do we drop from sundry walks of life and diverse backgrounds the Holy Spirit arranges situations and circumstances to see us at The Jesus Christ Solution Center, but once in a while, we acknowledge some spiritual relationships in order to give Glory to the True Lord God Almighty. As Apostle Paul disclosed in 2 Corinthians 10:17: "Let the person who boasts boast in the Lord."
A major distinction between prophets genuinely-called by the True Lord God Almighty and the self-called is that the former gives prophecies as led by the Holy Spirit gratis while charlatans and fake prophets auction their self-deluded visions and prophetic divinations, because as Apostle Paul disclosed in Philippians 3:18-19: "For as I have often told you before, and now say again even with tears: Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and their glory is in their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things." The precious souls that we have spiritually interacted with in this ministry were brought by the Holy Spirit. Genuine prophets do not solicit for souls to prophesy but are sought after by souls directed by the Holy Spirit as we read in 2 Kings 3:9-11 "So, the king of Israel, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom set out, and after they had traveled a roundabout route for seven days, they had no water for their army or for their animals. "Alas," said the king of Israel, "for the LORD has summoned these three kings to deliver them into the hand of Moab!" But Jehoshaphat asked, "Is there no prophet of the LORD here? Let us inquire of the LORD through him." And one of the servants of the king of Israel answered, "Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He used to pour water on the hands of Elijah." In spreading the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have no boundaries, and all souls are precious before the Lord of lords, and we operate sans frontiers. But in prophesy, you should be sought after. That is the hallmark of those of us truly and genuinely called by the Most High, Hallelujah! Pastoral and prophetic callings are different in their modus operandi as the Holy Spirit operates (I Corinthians 12: 7-11).
So, it was nearly a decade ago! We were visiting Nigeria and words came from the protocol department of Aso Villa that the then President Muhammadu Buhari would like to see me. I explained to the respectable emissary that I should be allowed to pray over the invitation. You see, the ministry the True Lord God Almighty committed into our hands is more important than attaining celebrity status and a genuine prophet should be on the qui vive on the three wiles of Satan as banana peels for many prophets namely: the pride of life, the lust of the flesh and self-pride (1 John 2:15-17). What would be the benefits of going to Aso Rock to see the in-coming president? As I disclosed in my prophecies leading up to the 2015 presidential elections in Nigeria, retired Gen. Muhammadu Buhari was not brought in as president, because he was the choice of the True Lord God Almighty just as Saul, the son of Kish was not the choice of the Jehovah Lord God Almighty as the first king of Israel. I made it plain in that prophecy that the reason the Lord God Almighty brought Buhari was the disobedient of then President Goodluck Jonathan. The Internet is a good history source and lets revisit pertinent ersatz thus: "…The Lord God Almighty has closed your chapter in the political history of Nigeria and it is time for you to yield ground to another Nigerian who the Good Lord has chosen to pilot the affairs of Nigeria beginning May 2015. Hear what the Word of the Lord says in Psalm 62: 11: "One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: "Power belongs to you, God..." The Lord God Almighty says, "He lifted you up from the dust and appointed you over your people" (1 Kings 16: 2) -the people of Nigeria-and told you what to do if you would listen to Him, but you have refused to do what He told you to do. He said you should remember how far you have come; from being a -nobody in 1999 to becoming a deputy governor, a state governor, acting state governor, vice-president, acting president and, finally president. In all these positions, you did not jockey for any but now you're planning self-succession. The Sovereign Lord God of the heavens and earth says your time is up. The Lord God Almighty said He brought you to power for a purpose in 2010 and I will disclose the purpose to you in my expanded 2015 Predictions and Prophecies in this column on New Year Day…" See the full prophecies as published in this column ten years ago and syndicated around the world precisely on Wednesday December 17, 2014, in this link:
(https://nigeriaworld.com/feature/publication/fayemiwo/121814.html ).
The reason Jonathan lost the election was that he baulked at and reneged on his vows to the Lord God Almighty. I disclosed this in that prophecy: "…You made numerous promises to Nigerians which you haven't kept. But that is not the reason why the Lord God Almighty has taken power from you but because all the vows you uttered to the Lord Himself when you were fighting for your political life have not been paid. You know those vows and where and when you made them. Hear what the Spirit says in Deuteronomy 23: 21-22 "If you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not be slow to pay it, for the LORD your God will certainly demand it of you, and you will be guilty of sin. However, if you refrain from vowing, it would not be sin in you" By reneging on your vows to the Lord, you forfeit the power of the Almighty God to grant you the Grace for a second term in office, because "When you make a vow to God, do not delay fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better that you should not vow than that you should vow and not pay it" (Ecclesiastes 5: 4-5).
Consequently, upon Buhari's swearing in, he requested to see me. We prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ and He gave guidelines which were requirements for the president to fulfil before I should acquiesce to his invitation. First, I should not go alone but with seven members of my ministry, second, all of my entourage must be conveyed together and as a group and lastly, the protocol officials should disclose the number of people that would be with the president during our visit. Those demands were rejected, because as it was later relayed to me, our entourage was considered large, and the president would not accept our terms. Consequently, those were the deal breakers, and the meeting was called off. I remember the protocol officer mouthed aghast: "Man of God, many other pastors and men/women of God are dying to see Baba, but you're refusing an invitation from His Excellency?" I replied that since the Holy Spirit has spoken, He- the Holy Spirit-is the Most Eternal Excellency and thus final. We all laughed.
It was during this visit that Chief Stephen Osagiede Oronsaye, former Head of the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria requested to see us. Our professional use of nosism in this column is also both biblical and spiritual because we are ministry of prophets just as the Holy Bible referred to Prophet Elisha as head of sons of prophets (I Kings 20:35, 2 Kings 2:3 & 2 Kings 4:38). Even in the New Testament, genuine and truly-called prophets of the True Lord God Almighty did not prophesy solo as Apostle Paul reminded his two foremost proteges, Timothy and Titus: "…Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you" (I Timothy 4:14). The Lord Jesus Christ doesn't change, and He does same today in the affairs of His Own, Hallelujah! When Oronsaye and I spoke extensively on his predicament, I requested for three days to commune with His Eternal Excellency in prayer and directives. When he returned, I told him inter alias that, all the charges brought against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) would be dropped and he should not entertain fears. In addition, I prayed and prophesied; thus, "After your current travails are over, you will soon be celebrated. Your case would be like the biblical rejected stone…" Those were our prophecies to Oronsaye a decade ago. Now his report on the reorganization of the federal civil service known as Oronsaye Report is now the golden standard for streamlining an efficient and effective civil service. Of course, the charges against him were later dropped and the man came out unscathed.
*Nearly a decade ago, former Head of the Nigerian Civil Service Stephen Oronsaye came calling for spiritual help and we prophesied to him that, "Soon and very soon in Nigeria, he would be celebrated in spite of his travails." We told him his report that was gathering dust would be dusted up and be implemented. It was a message from the True Lord God Almighty. Now the rejected stone has now become the cornerstone.
As the kahuna of the "universal angels"-to borrow the words of Plato in describing the civil service, Steve intended to overhaul the lethargic civil service to make it more productive in the Umaru YarAdua administration. He banned the watching of television in all federal ministries. Considering his professional background as a chartered accountant, Steve knows how to handle money and prioritize essential deliverables from his years at Peat Marwick Casselton Elliot, now KPMG. He brought those adroit financial and personnel management credentials into government first as principal secretary to former President Olusegun Obasanjo in 1999, Permanent Secretary, State House, Ministry of Finance and finally, head of the federal bureaucracy. I rejoice with my good friend for his triumph at last thus confirming our prophecies just as the True Lord God Almighty told Habakkuk: "For the vision awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3).
Presidential Committee on Restructuring and Rationalization of Federal Government's Agencies, Parastatals and Commissions A.K.A Oronsaye Report
Nearly a decade ago when Chief Stephen Osagiede Oronsaye came calling, we prayed and prophesied to him that, not only would he come out unscathed at his trial by the EFCC, but he would wear a new apparel and would be celebrated in his eventful civil service career as former Head of Service of the Nigerian Federation. Now the current Tinubu Administration has adopted the famous Oronsaye Report as the golden standard for effective, lean, and most efficient federal civil service. As the True Lord God Almighty told us in His Words: "Do not extinguish the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test all things. Hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. (2 Thessalonians 5:19-22).
The Nigerian Federal Civil Service is bloated, characterized by waste, ghost workers, duplication of responsibilities, non-accountability and endemic corruption costing government unnecessary expenditure. Every administration since independence has been grappling with how to run a lean, effective, and transparent civil service that would deliver for the people. In 2011, the Jonathan Administration took the gauntlet and constituted a-7-member Presidential Committee known as the Restructuring and Rationalization of Federal Government's Agencies, Parastatals and Commissions to work on how the federal civil service could be run efficiently and effectively. The members were: Steve Osagiede Oronsaye, CFR as chairman, Japhet C.T. Nwosu, Alhaji Rabiu D. Abubakar, Mrs. Nima Salman-Mann, Malam Hamza A. Tahir, Mr. Adetunji Adesunkanmi, and Alhaji Umar A. Mohammad as members. Known as the Oronsaye Report, it is the golden standard necessary to make the federal government works for the Nigerian people through the federal civil service. It is gratifying that the Tinubu Administration has adopted it, and we wish the various organs of the federal government will work cooperatively for its full implementation.
To read the full report of the Oronsaye Report as reviewed by Messrs. Kalu Onuoha Esq and Eze Onyekpere Esq of the Abuja-based Center for Social Justice, click the link below: -
We are called to proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Jesus Christ we proclaim is God Incarnate born sinless. He lived as human, though He is God to save us from Satan. He died on the Cross to shed His Blood for our sins to satisfy the righteous demand of a Holy God that without the shedding of blood, no forgiveness of sins. He paid the ransom for our sins. On the Third Day, He resurrected and today, He has the Power and Authority in heaven, on earth and in the nether gloom, because Death could not hold Him since He did not sin but took the punishment in our stead. He is reigning in the hearts of us who have put our trust and faith in Him. He is coming back to take us who are His Own to where He has promised to prepare for us, heaven. While we expect His imminent return, we appeal to you to forsake your sinful ways and join us together to fight our common enemy: Satan. Join us in the spiritual battle for the souls of human beings and make heaven. Don't go to hell.
Finally, the Holy Spirit moved and instructed us to debut on YouTube. At last, we are now ready to take the world for our Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.
Click to Watch our Channel now:
The Lord Jesus Christ moved mightily in fall 2023 in South Africa by exposing the Kingdom of Darkness. Here were what the Holy Spirit taught us. What is witchcraft? How are humans initiated? What are the reasons people venture into this dark act? How do witches operate and how do they summon demons? What are the signs of witchcraft activities in today's church and how to recognize witches and wizards masquerading as "pastors" and workers in the church? How can you overcome their activities in your Christian Life? Watch the though-provoking expose now on our YouTube Channel: -
It has been in the works for almost three years, but only now did the Holy Spirit give it a nod. Just as all the itineraries of the early apostles were initiated, planned, directed, and commanded by the Holy Spirit, so also in this ministry. We do not choose our evangelistic activities haphazardly but seek the Face of the One Who called us, our Lord, Master and Savior Jesus Christ, Hallelujah! Now, the coast is clear and our first spiritual voyage in the New Year 2024 is the Salt of the Nation, Ebonyi State. Our 3-Day seminar focuses on the State of Pastoral Calling. This is a -3-Day Spiritual Seminar and Re-Awakening. THEME-: Are You Truly Called To Be A Pastor By Our Lord Jesus Christ?
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!'--- Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46
The numbers of churches are mushrooming all over the country and the world, yet evil is ubiquitous at unprecedented levels. You hear atrocities committed by so called pastors and wonder, how many of these so-called pastors have been called by our Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ? How does the True Lord God Almighty call people to pastoral work? Why are churches mushrooming at astounding rate but evil and wickedness are metastasizing, especially in Nigeria and Africa? How do you recognize a fake Pastor? What are the signs of fake churches? These are many more are what the Holy Spirit will expose in Abakaliki Ebonyi Breakthrough 2024. This Holy Spirit-directed Seminar requires registration for all attendees. It is absolutely free, but we want attendees to register so we can plan for our venue. Again, attendance is free as Jesus Christ commanded: "…Freely you have received and freely give" (Matthew 10:8b).
Contacts for Registration: - Evangelist Eugene Ohams (0803 468 6630), Sister Uhoma Esther Agha (0703 628 8454), Pastor Philip Onyejiuwa (0706 261 1949), Brother Kolawole Rahman Oladele (0803 957 8342), Brother Teslon Emeka (0704 868 8203), Pastor Roseline Nnenna Kalu (0803 040 8892) Dr Gerry Onukwugha ( +1 973 454-5411), Dr Moshood Fayemiwo (+1 254 605 4035).
MINISTERING: - Moshood Fayemiwo PhD, Margie Neal-Fayemiwo Ed.D, Gerry Onukwugha PhD and Evangelist Eugene Ohams.
. You can also visit our websites at: - https://tocu.education/ and https://tocu.online/