"This is what the LORD says: Administer justice and righteousness. Rescue the victim of robbery from the hand of his oppressor. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless, or the widow. Do not shed innocent blood…"--- Jeremiah 22:3 (THE HOLY BIBLE) (THE HOLY BIBLE)
eaders would recall we featured in this column few weeks ago the harrowing ordeal, maltreatment, ill treatment and sundry indignities a Nigerian was passing through in the hands of the British security services in London, UK. Mr. Adeyinka Grandson Shoyemi, the president of Young Yoruba for Freedom (YYF) has been languishing in UK prison at Aylesbury for exercising his universally acknowledged and guaranteed right to freedom of expression. The British MI5 working in cahoots with its sister MI6 have kept him in solitary confinement and even inflicted bodily injuries on him because, as the ludicrous charges against him read to wit: "Publishing and distributing materials on social media platforms, namely four YouTube videos and two Facebook posts as threatening, abusive, insulting, or intending to stir up racial hatred against the Ibo and Fulani people of Nigeria, contrary to Section 21(1) and Section 19(1) of the Public Order Act 1986 of the United Kingdom"
In October 2024 when this columnist was in the U.K. for our London Breakthrough 2024, our efforts to see Mr. Shoyemi one-on-one were unsuccessful as the British Security Services quickly transferred him to another prison facility upon learning some clergy men and women from the United States were in town to see the helpless man. We have written a petition to the Rt. Hon. Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of England drawing his attention to the spurious allegations and the dehumanizing condition Mr. Shoyemi is being subjected to in UK Prison and requested the Prime Minister to look into this matter so this young man who has been wrongly imprisoned will regain his freedom and be deported to his native Nigeria. All members of the British Parliament were copied this petition. The Vatican, Amnesty International, the Commonwealth of Nations, and other important stakeholders in the Human Rights Global Community were also alerted to the injustice and inhumanity being perpetrated in this regard. Last week, The Christian Walk finally succeeded in conducting an exclusive interview with Mr. Adeyinka Grandson Shoyemi at Aylesbury Prison. Excerpts:-
Mr. Shoyemi, we gathered before now that you have been prevented from speaking to us in all our attempts to conduct this interview with you. Why?
On the 13th of August 2024, at about 8:30am, two staff at Scrubs Prison came to my cell. They asked me to pack my belongings as I was being transferred to Aylesbury Prison. I informed them I was on recall and awaiting my Parole Board Oral Hearing. I told them I would like to speak to the Prison Offender Manager on my case, as I do not wish to be transferred out of Scrubs Prison because of my pending Parole Board Oral Hearing. Suddenly, the two officers grabbed me violently and I was handcuffed behind my back. They punched me hard on the face, slammed me down to the floor violently, stamped and kicked me on the head, neck, throat, and all over my body ferociously and blood was gushing out of from my nose and right ear. Thereafter, I lost consciousness. When I regained consciousness, I couldn't speak. Regardless of my condition, I was forcibly removed from Scrubs Prison and transferred to Aylesbury Prison.
Following my arrival at the Aylesbury Prison, the nurse and doctor on duty, recorded the following injuries on me: swelling on left chick bone, swelling on both wrist, lumps on the head, cuts inside lower and upper incisor, and vomiting. I was referred to Stoke Manderville Hospital at Aylesbury for a CT scan of my head in order to rule out any head injury or bleeding to the brain. As a consequence of the trauma, I have been unable to communicate verbally since the incident happened. Additionally, I have had blurred vision. I might be losing my sight due to the punches and kicks to my head. I am still mute and communicating through writing on the paper.
Are there medical records and reports to corroborate all these physical injuries sustained in the hands of the British Security Services?
Yes. The doctor at Stoke Manderville Hospital mentioned that I had no bleeding to the brain. However, the lady medical doctor was concerned about the lumps on my head. I was prescribed medication. The medication for my throat was seized by the Aylesbury Prison because it was in a glass bottle. At Wandsworth Prison, the doctor there referred me to ENT at St. George Hospital in London. But I have been told by the healthcare at Wandsworth Prison that the hospital appointments can take up to 6 months to book and instead wanted me to have an appointment with a consultant. I am, therefore, still waiting to be assessed by an ENT doctor. I also need speech and language therapy treatments, which are only available outside the prison community.
Have you been allowed to see a psychiatrist?
The forensic psychiatrist made a telephone appointment for me to call him for an assessment. But because I am unable to communicate verbally, I told the prison service at Aylesbury Prison that I am unable to call him because I cannot communicate verbally. I requested the prison authorities to arrange the call and provide an intermediary for me, who will read my written responses to the psychiatrist's questions. But Aylesbury Prison did not get back to me. So, the assessment did not take place. Before the psychiatrist was directed to assess me for mental illness, I had already received an intelligence report at Scrubs Prison, regarding the plan of the MI5 and MI6 to detain me at a mental hospital, on the ground that I have a serious mental illness, where I could then be easily poisoned or injected with a drug that would gradually kill me. But I am not insane. I am perfectly of sound mind. I am only being discriminated against, harassed and victimized by the MI5 and MI6 in England, using the British Criminal Justice System against me and my children because of my political beliefs that exposed the suppression and subjugation of my nation- the Yorùbá nation by the English Establishment.
Why do you think the British Security Services: the MI5 & MI6 are after you just because you exercised globally acknowledged right to freedom of expression and fundamental rights to free speech on YouTube, Facebook and other social media platforms which are legal in the UK? What and who are behind all these?
The genesis of my current situation started with my former wife here in the UK. I had been in a long-term relationship with my ex-wife, with whom I had lived with for 13 years and had two children. But after discovering her infidelity in August 2012, I filled for divorce from her because she had committed adultery. In the 2nd of January 2013, the divorce was granted by the Central Family Court in London, with joint custody arrangement for our two children. Following the dissolution of our marriage in January 2013, she moved from London to High Wycombe, whilst the children and I remained in London. The children attended school in London and had contact with their mother in High Wycombe every weekend. In 2015, she wanted to move from High Wycombe to Cardiff with the children to continue to live with her boyfriend. I wanted the children to continue to live with me in London. Our relationship deteriorated due to disagreements over childcare and schooling, leading to her making false allegations against me to the police.
On 7th July, 2015, she reported me to the Thames Valley Police at High Wycombe for harassment. I was arrested and interviewed under caution. This was the first time in my life to be arrested by the police. Following an investigation, the police found no evidence action on the matter. On the 28 of August 2015, she obtained a non-molestation order at the family court. The order prevented me from coming to her house at High Wycombe. She had done this to prevent me from seeing our children, stop our joint custody arrangement from being effective, and move to Cardiff with our children without my consent. On 8th September 2015, she reported me to the Thames Valley Police at High Wycombe for breach of non-molestation order and malicious communications. I was arrested by the Thames Valley Police, brutalized at the High Wycombe police station, charge to court, and remanded in prison. This was the first time that I experienced how brutal the British Police are in England. I have read so much about how the British Police were behaving like animals in Nigeria, during the colonial rule and killing Yorùbá people, but I never witnessed this first hand with how the Thames using police at High Wycombe, arrested me over a false allegations, and assaulted me in custody. This experience changed me. In prison, I became very confrontational with the British State. On the 3rd of March 2016, I was acquitted by the jury at court.
Following my release from prison, I found out that my former wife had moved from High Wycombe to Cardiff with our children and living with her boyfriend. To see my children, I applied for a contact order. The court made an order for me and her to attend court on the 26th of May 2016, for the hearing of my application to see my children. On the hearing date, she reported me to the South Wales Police in Cardiff for breach of non-molestation order. I was arrested, charged to court, and remanded in prison to await trial. On 7th September 2016, I was acquitted at the court again. On 28th August 2016, the non-molestation order, she had obtained against me expired. On 7th November 2016, the court made an order for me to see my children, fortnightly at Cardiff, for two hours. On 9th December 2016, she asked me to take our children from Cardiff to London for the weekend. I did. After my arrival in London to Cardiff for the weekend, she reported me to the police for child abduction. I was arrested, interviewed and released by the police with no further action on the matter. She was told by the police to obtain an order from the court if she wished to have the children back in Cardiff. On 18th December 2016, I returned the children back to her, following an order, made by the court for me to return the children back to her. But shockingly in January 2017, she reported me to the South Wales Police in Cardiff for child neglect. She alleged that whilst the children were with me in London, I did not feed them or cloth them. The police interviewed my children and me separately. Following their investigations, the police mentioned that the children cannot be interviewed because of the ages and took no further action on the matter.
The conduct and behavior of my former wife was typical of an adulterous woman. She even physically assaulted our son with her boyfriend, following his reports to staff at school of inappropriate sexual behavior in the family home. The school reported the matter to the Social Service, who warned her to stop having sex in the presence of the children. She and her boyfriend had then physically assaulted our son, leading to their arrest by the police in 2016; she did not also protect our daughter from assault, leading to the appointment of social worker for our children in 2016. Following my experiences with the police in England, I was elected president of the Young Yoruba for Freedom (YYF) in 2017. We began our crusade and autonomy for Yoruba nation in Nigeria through open criticism of the British Establishment on social media. We advocated for the nationalization of British business interests in Yoruba land and Nigeria. Additionally, we called for the cessation of trade and military ties with UK and urged the Yorùbá leaders to cultivate strong relationships with the US, the State of Israel, Brazil, Portugal, France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries as allies.
In October 2017, I became desperate to leave England and return to Yoruba land with my children because two agents of the MI5 and MI6 came to my home in London with guns. They threatened to kill my children and me over my political speeches on YouTube and posts on Facebook that exposed the British Establishment's suppression and subjugation of the Yorùbá people in Nigeria. Following the death threats on me and our children by the MI5 and MI6 agents, I asked my former wife to let me leave England with our children due to the significant risk to our lives, liberty and physical safety. But she refused. In March 2018, January 2019, and April 2019, I attended the court, three times to seek permission to leave England and return to Yoruba land with my two children. But my former wife was opposed to the three applications that I had made to the court. I remained in England to continue to safeguard the interests and welfare of my children because I was refused permission three times to leave England with them. Additionally, I remained in England because I do not wish for my children to be harmed by the MI5 and MI6 agents or be exposed to further abuse from their mother and her boyfriend.
Following the refusal of my three applications for permission to leave England with our children, I found out that my former wife had falsely registered our son as a disabled child without my consent and without his education, health and social care assessment, when he is not a disabled child, but had a minor speech delay. She had claimed disability benefits and care-giver (public assistance) allowance on our son. This was the reason she had opposed the three applications that I had made to the court for permission to leave England with our children. I initiated legal proceedings against her by taking the matter of the registration of our son as a disabled child to the Special Educational Needs Tribunal in Cardiff to request for the necessary assessment, which would determine our son's education, health, and social care needs. For her to stop the necessary assessment of our son's education, health and social care needs, she falsely reported some of my YouTube videos and Facebook posts to the South Wales Police in Cardiff for terrorism and racial hatred offences. Following an investigation, the South Wales Police in Cardiff, found no evidence to support the allegations and took no further action on the matter in April 2019.
In May 2019, the Home Office did not renew my resident permit because my former wife had refused to give me our children's British passports and other documents requested by the Home office to support the renewal of my resident permit. She had used our children's British passports to support the application of her boyfriend to stay in the United Kingdom. In June 2019, I applied to the court for the custody of our children because she had falsely registered our son as a disabled child to defraud the government of disability benefits. She had also used our children's British passports for her boyfriend to stay in the UK, which impacted the renewal of my resident permit as the biological father of the children. The hearing of my application for the custody of my children was fixed for the 5 of August 2019, by the court. On 5 August 2019, the court made a prohibited stop order against my former wife. She was ordered not to travel out of the UK or relocate out of the Cardiff areas with our children without the permission of the court or my consent. The hearing was adjourned until November 2019, for the final hearing of my application for custody. After the court hearing, she threatened to report me to the police for terrorism and racial hatred offences. She alleged that I had chemical weapons at home. Immediately after we had both left the court hearing in Cardiff and upon my arrival at home in London, I was arrested by the police in London, for terrorism and racial hatred offences.
That was what life was like before I was arrested. If I were to be a British citizen in England, my former wife would have been arrested by the police for all those false allegation she had made against me, over the custody matter of our children. But I am a Yorùbá man and a Nigerian citizen, a black man and an African living in London, England. I have no rights. This would never have happened to me in Lagos, Yoruba land. This experience has made me to rededicate myself to the campaign for the Oduduwa nation. TO BE CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK
Editor's Note: Our Lord, Master and Savior Jesus Christ said in His Holy Book: "…a man's enemies will be the members of his own household" (Matthew 10:36). As the old saying goes, behind every successful man, there is a woman. Similarly, behind every man's ordeal, frustration and tragedy in life, certainly and most definitely there is a woman. As the Yoruba proverb says; "Ti Iku ile o ba pani, ti ode kole pani." This columnist has personally passed through here in the United States almost twenty years ago something similar to what Mr. Adeyinka Grandson Shoyemi is passing through in the UK. The difference is that I had the Lord Jesus Christ on my side and I surmounted all the traps my ex-wife laid for me and I eventually became a US citizen. There are numerous Nigerians in Diaspora that have gone through similar ordeals or currently experiencing the same things in the so-called West. Please do not keep quiet and remain a subdued victim. Open up and reach out to us. Send us an email: [email protected]
Please keep a date with us for the conclusion of this unfortunate and pitiful story of Mr. Adeyinka Grandson Shoyemi in our concluding exclusive interview next week.
LETTER OF THE WEEK: Our First Letter of the Week for the New Year 2025 came from Mr. Maxim Uzor Uzoatu about the serious infrastructural deficit of gully erosion and environmental degradation in his native Anambra State, eastern Nigeria.

Tackling the Ugwuakwu Erosion Menace in Anambra State
It brings tears to the eyes when one sees the disastrous gully erosion eating up the road, houses and farms in Ugwuakwu village, Umuchu town in Aguata LGA of Anambra State. The road was abandoned by the former administration, and erosion is now destroying landmark projects by rapidly cutting off the food basket zone with many agricultural establishments and industries. The clear and present need is to take immediate action in reconstructing road to avert looming disaster. .
It is crucial to stress that this road leads to Orient Farms Ltd, Eagle Foods Industries Ltd, Efi Igbo Ranch, Emenike Pineapple Farms Ltd, Ohuche Cashew Industries Ltd and a host of other agro-based industrial companies. There is no gainsaying that the road is so crucial to Anambra State in order not to allow the multi-million establishments located there go to waste. Once urgent attention is paid to the road through the completion of its construction, it would be a smooth ride from the famous Nkwo Market to Umuchu to the vast farmlands and industries in Achalla and Ibughubu village and on to Umuanze town and thenceforth to Imo State. As they say, "a stitch in time saves nine."
It is worthy of reiteration that the abandoned road traversing from Ugwuakwu village in Umuchu town to such agrobased industries as Orient Farms Ltd, Eagle Foods Industries Ltd, Efi Igbo Ranch, Emenike Pineapple Farms Ltd, Ohuche Cashew Industries Ltd and a host of others needs to be urgently completed.--- From Maxim Uzor Uzoatu, Lagos NIGERIA.
We are called to proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Jesus Christ we proclaim is God Incarnate born sinless. He lived as human, though He is God to save us from Satan. He died on the Cross to shed His Blood for our sins to satisfy the righteous demand of a Holy God that without the shedding of blood, no forgiveness of sins. He paid the ransom for our sins. On the Third Day, He resurrected and today, He has the Power and Authority in heaven, on earth and in the nether gloom, because Death could not hold Him since He did not sin but took the punishment in our stead. He is reigning in the hearts of us who have put our trust and faith in Him. He is coming back to take us who are His Own to where He has promised to prepare for us, heaven. While we expect His imminent return, we appeal to you to forsake your sinful ways and join us together to fight our common enemy: Satan. Join us in the spiritual battle for the souls of human beings and make heaven. Don't go to hell.
Finally, the Holy Spirit moved and instructed us to debut on YouTube. At last, we are now ready to take the world for our Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ Amen.
Click to Watch our Channel now:
The Lord Jesus Christ moved mightily in fall 2023 in South Africa by exposing the Kingdom of Darkness. Here was what the Holy Spirit taught us. What is witchcraft? How are humans initiated? What are the reasons people ventures into this dark act? How do witches operate and how do they summon demons? What are the signs of witchcraft activities in today's church and how to recognize witches and wizards masquerading as "pastors" and workers in the church? How can you overcome their activities in your Christian Life? Watch the though-provoking expose now on our YouTube Channel: -

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Now that you have accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord, Master, and Savior Jesus Christ which He truly is, you need to saturate yourself with the Word of God so you can grow in your new faith. You need to change and renew your mind with the Words of God which are contained in the Greatest Book on earth given to humanity as a compass to navigate our paths in this Satanically-controlled and demon-infested earth following the fall of our First Parents in the Garden of Eden. That Book is the Holy Bible. The three basic reason for this is that the secular education has been totally corrupted by Satan hence, the Holy Spirit commanded us in Romans 12: 2:" Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will." You can't discover His Will for your life now that you are one of His Own until you read His Word. Second, there is a spiritual war afoot and in the not-too-distant Time Street over your life now that you are a child of the King. Satan and his demons, including their human agents will fight to bring you back to their cursed and darkened kingdom. You need to know how to fight through the deployment of the Word of God, because from now onward, "… our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:12-17). Thirdly, you need the Word of God for good success according to Joshua 1:8: "Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
We will love you to join our weekday Bible Class from Monday to Friday. Our normal E-Congregation Assembly Bible Classes at Cameron TX is through Goggle Meet. To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link: https://meet.google.com/sda-viuf-yrr Or open Meet and enter this code: sda-viuf-yrr
Time: 3:30pm Texas Time/4:30pm New York EST/10:30pm Nigeria/12:30am following day in Kenya. Its 4:30pm EST in the United States. Click this link for your Time Zone https://dateful.com/world-clock.
We would love to see and welcome you to our midst. We are drawn from four Continents of Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia at our 5-Day Monday to Friday Bible Classes and be rest assured there is a seat waiting for you among the children of the Most High God. Our Teacher is the Holy Spirit (John 16:13-16) and all of us are His children and students. You are blessed as we anticipate your congregation with us in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
. You can also visit our websites at: - https://tocu.education/ and https://tocu.online/