Sunday, March 10, 2024
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada

n Part 1 we dealt with what anger leads us to do, the dangers of anger especially how Eksha was anger driven. Today let us look at how you can prevent anger and enjoy your life.

Elisha had an unbridled anger that he couldn't accommodate simple mistakes of people around him. Listen to me Brother, Sister, Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Apostle, Bishop, General Overseer,President, politician, farmer, market woman, civil servant, etc.you need to manage your anger. This is a minor anger management course for you! Free!

The Holy Spirit will help you take the following steps to manage your anger:

1. Realize your church members, relations, colleagues, people generally will provoke you and infuriate you. No matter who you are. Don’t react respond.

2. Not every person is operating at your level of faith or understanding. It took you years to get to this level. Give them time to grow and mature.

3. Realize in your mouth is power of death and life, bless them instead of cursing them. I always give myself as an example. When I was younger, I was always fighting unreasonable fights, but my dad and grandfather blessed me instead of cursing me. They would say "Dele it will be well with you as I am looking at you", "God shall add sweetness to your life"! That's why you can read what you are reading now. If they cursed me as Elisha cursed the children in his anger, I would probably be dead or have wasted away somewhere instead of being a blessing to humanity globally as God has made me today, preaching the gospel in over 86 nations. Holding International Gathering of eagles in 45 nations!

4. Think before you speak. In the heat of the moment or provocation it's easy to say something or do something stupid that you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything, and allow others involved in the situation to do the same. The Bible says be quick to hear and slow to speak. The world system says don’t post the first letter, 5. Resolve not to hold grudges or revenge but forgive. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation and strengthen your relationship.

6. Use the opportunity to teach the love of God.People are looking to you for spiritual guidance.We're all still prone to mistakes. Elisha could have sat Gehazi down and given him a lecture on when to receive gifts from church members and when not to receive. Elisha was supposed to be a spiritual father and mentor. Elisha could have stopped to teach the children that one day they will grow old like him and their long hairs will also disappear. At least tell them he was not born bald headed!There used to be a family in our church. The father was bald headed and his son likes to show off his Afro- type of long hair! I told him one day he should expect baldness, because it is in his gene! Mr. President you cannot arrest everybody because they are not singing your praises or in your political camp! Restrain or control yourself!

7. Use humor to release tension. Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Use humor to help you face what's making you angry and possibly any unrealistic expectations you have for how things should go. Your wife put too much salt in the soup, terrible thing, but surely not deliberate. The meat is too tough, it's going to pull out your premolars. Just point her attention to it with clean jokes: "One day in this house my wife will stop cooking salt and adding rice" "One day my wife will cook meat in this house and it will be as if I am licking ice cream! Elisha could have jokingly told Gehazi” The was you are taking gifts I hope it will not send you to jail one day” Diffuse terrible situations with grace of the Holy Ghost upon you.

8. Mix love not anger with your prophetic anointing. Let your prophetic anointing bring peace, blessings, progress and joy not annoyance and death on your followers and listeners.

9. Know when to seek help.Man of God. Woman of God if you know you have anger problems go for anger management course, counselling, or deliverance or all of the above. Learning to control our anger is a challenge for everyone at times. Seek help for anger issues if your anger seems out of control, it causes you to do things you regret or hurts those around you. 10. Take time to rest. Most times we ministers are under high pressure, we want to impress, we want to see God move. We must realize we are vessels of honour, we are in the flesh. We are burning out. Take time to rest. Pastor Oyedepo once said "if you don't rest you will soon be laid to rest." According to Rick Warren, "if you don't learn to go apart to rest you will soon be torn apart" You are venting your anger on everybody probably because you are tired, worn out, and burned out. Do like Jesus "Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida" while He Himself was sending the crowd away." Mark 6:45 11. Break the habit of anger. Think of what is aggravating your anger and depart from it.

12. Pray about it. Study the Bible to guide you about what to do and do it.

Conclusion:. If you are Gehazi, or the loquacious Officer, or the abusive children, you had better weigh what you say to some men of God or people in authority because you may be talking with an anger consumed man of God who can send you to early grave, without blinking an eye be warned! Finally, remember that because you are highly anointed and gifted does not mean you don't have anger issues. Deal with your anger problems, stop sending people to premature deaths because of your anger!

A word is enough for the wise.


Continued from part 1