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Monday, June 28, 1999

Re: CAN & PFN AGAIN !!!!!!

Adenekan Adesanya
[email protected]

Well, Well, Well, Well, before I start sounding like Fela, let me say it's about time !!!.

I'm referring to the article concerning Primate Adetiloye and Bishop Mike Okonkwo. Let me also say Kudos to Bishop Sam Amaga. For the recent comments about Nigerian affairs, this is really great and encouraging to hear Christian Elders in the Country speak out, even if it had to take them being pushed to a corner!!. We want to hear more intelligent comments, bold and fearless from our Christian leaders resident in Nigeria.

Let me give a few pointers of advice:

1) There's no need to apologize to anybody nor be defensive about President Obasanjo's spiritual leaning, absolutely no need.

The President is a mature adult who has made a public confession of his faith (for which nobody but he is responsible for), which in terms of management has nothing to do with it except purity of heart and a conscience towards God, to serve humanity and this Nation.

His appointments to cabinet have been fair, this is government, and this is serious business, I don't believe He needs to defend anything to anybody either, the Senate is there to approve or not approve.

Nigeria has had 10 (ten) heads of state up to date, (nine actually with executive powers) out of that 6 (six) have been from the North, and were staunch Muslims, I can't remember anybody harassing them (except Abacha) about ministerial appointments, as regards tribal placements. Abacha replied by putting in more Muslims, and that has never been an issue for threats. I don't even think the issue is religious bias now, it's a matter of competence, not despotism, Nationalism, and not tribal bias.If we are really looking at tribal bias, then what is the ratio of Yorubas' to others in present National govt.

I do think such prating by some of these "Northern protectors" are rather unintelligent, and ignorant. Nigeria has, been ruled from a northern perspective too far, too long, there needs to be a change from that, to bring in a truly National view. If they disagree, and believe they are still being marginalised, then they can resort to the courts, or better still get a Northern referendum, and form their own govt. separated from Nigeria. All these are allowable under democratic govt. of course they have to show proof of abuse and neglect, we are yet to celebrate three months, and they come up with this.????

There needs to be trust, tolerance and a collective effort to build this country, that all may benefit. Nigeria was not formed to serve the interest of any singular group, but all. May I also say that judging from the reactions of the people for now, any attempt to subvert this Govt. will not be received, and should there be fragmentation(God forbid, I'm only trying to drive home a point of rebuke) some may stand to lose more than others, people have reached a stage where they are no longer afraid of the gun, and mind you their is a greater power than the bullet, it's called the "WORD".

2) The comments to have Churches relocated in Ilorin/Kwara state, was really unfortunate, and at best, not a well learned approach. It looks to me that, certain people, do not understand modern societies, and want to rule, based on their old life styles, which have always brought poverty on their masses, rather than prosperity.

It's not done, in any civilized world, for any religious leader to try to influence govt. to change the rule of law, or the constitutional right of any citizen of Nigeria. Tolerance, again is needed for us to live together. Of course if you don;t like your neighbor's ways, and if he's not breaking any law, then you either live there in tolerance, or you leave. But trying to relocate people because of religious intolerance, is immature of such a leader.

CAN/PFN should make their voices heard more on National issues, to advice, encourage, govt. people, regardless of religious affiliation, so long as their efforts are towards peace and nation building. They should also rebuke, when necessary, without fear or favor, the Church must be unbiased in its views to the nation.

3) Political education; CAN/PFN should educate the Nation on politics,Statesmanship, and National issues, the Word is filled with nuggets on that. More Christians should be involved in politics, for "when the righteous prospers, the city rejoices" the sole purpose of this exercise is to make their voices heard. For too long only particular kinds of voices have been heard. when more voices are heard, it brings a balance to the equation called Nigeria. Speak out, make your voices heard. After all, politics/Democracy boils down to this; "NUMBERS". Christians from every part of the Nation should speak more, North to South, East to West.

It is my faith and prayer that tolerance will reign, and Nationalism, instead of ethnicism.


Adenekan Adesanya