Daily news updates, viewpoints, feature articles and essays on Nigeria, Africa and the world in general, from a Nigerian perspective. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/index.html
To be established in Christ means to be firmly rooted, unshakable, and deeply grounded in faith. Many people accept Christ but remain unstable in their walk with Him due to trials, distractions, and lack of spiritual depth. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/feature/publication/amos-dada/020225.html
In 2015, my friend, a retired Federal Permanent Secretary, Dr. Goke Adegoroye from Akure Oloyemekun in Ondo state wrote a book titled "RESTORING GOOD GOVERNANCE IN NIGERIA". The book is well researched and a guide to good governance in this country. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/articles/2024/dec/121.html
What the Holy Spirit is asking today is have YOU broken the chain? Where is your Nathaneal, Since you were brought to Christ how many have you brought to him? ... Nathanael means ‘God has given’ or ‘Gift of God.' URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/feature/publication/amos-dada/120824.html