Everywhere I looked, as we toured the building, I saw elements of sustainability, something that continued to buttress the feeling I had about Wright and his buildings, decades ago. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/102823.html
I was saddened to read about the passing of Sylvester Debe Ojukwu. In the early 80s, we both were students at the university of Nigeria, Enugu. He was studying law while I studied architecture. He was so full of life, especially when Chief Odumegwu Ojukwu... URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/110518.html
Since the song, Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika or God Bless Africa was adopted by South Africa as her national anthem, I have always had a special affinity for the song. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/111520.html
Every time I look, many Nigerians are contesting the existence of COVID-19! Some say they have never seen anyone that has it. ... Others argue that it is a government hoax to siphon money away through COVID palliatives. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/122720.html
Mohr decided those words might make a good carol for his congregation the following evening at their scheduled Christmas eve service. The one problem was that.... URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/122221.html
I continued to take my COVID precautions and lo and behold, when the 2021 allergy season rolled in, I again escaped unscathed - no bouts of sneezing, no coughing.... URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/120721.html
Every Autumn season, as tree leaves start falling and cool winds begin to blow, I become very nostalgic. I find myself thinking about the place I grew up in, the town many call Anaedo, the place called Nnewi. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/110720.html
The election is now over but Soludo has his work cut out for him! The bitterness and acrimony leading up to the elections, the killings, the verbal pot shots, were just too much to be easily swept under the rug. URL:https://nigeriaworld.com/columnist/uzokwe/111021.html