Your search for Steve, Nwabuzor
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1 Nigeriaworld -- Internet commentaries on Nigeria's socio-politico-economic problems - Are our leaders listening?
It is my hope that Obasanjo and other Nigerian leaders are wise enough to understand that you cannot continually discount the opinions of the masses; you can only do it for so long in a democracy before being pushed aside by the collective will of the...
2 Nigeriaworld -- Christendom: A house built on quicksand
It is now clear via evidences that there was never any Twelve Tribes of Israel. It is now an open secret that no God ever promised any land to any group of people and that Palestine is not a ''Promised Land.'' We now know that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
3 Nigeriaworld -- Tyranny of Christianity: Of fanatics and fools
Faced with all the bloody acts of the Christian God in the Old Testament (OT), the latter day Christians, ashamed of such acts and unable to justify such meanness and obvious bloodthirstiness, always posit that we should stop paying "undue attention" to...
4 Nigeriaworld -- STEVE NWABUZOR
Nwabuzor's Panorama Click Here NIGERIAWORLD COLUMNIST Recent Articles Steve Nwabuzor is from Ika North-East Local Government Area of Delta State. He had his education at the University of Ibadan and at the Imperial College of Science and Technology,...
5 Nigeriaworld -- Religious leaders as conscience of the nation
These men of the robe welcome the state governors, who stole the people's money, for thanksgiving services in their churches, without reminding them of their failures in not improving the welfare of the citizens and infrastructural facilities. Even in...
6 Nigeriaworld -- Dr. Rowan Williams and Sharia in Britain
Rowan Williams possibly is in a quandary regarding the hypocrisy of a system which allows the Jews to have their own court: Beth Din, and which denies other minorities equivalent status. ... Could it be he is on a God-driven mission to give verve to the...
7 NigeriaWorld Letters & Viewpoints (Sharia Wave: Precursor to True Federalism in Nigeria!)
If we are practicing Federalism let us practice it the way it should be, with each state controlling its destiny, including the resources and policy initiatives. A situation whereby oil prices are regulated at the Federal level is not in line with the...
8 NigeriaWorld Letters & Viewpoints (Amputation and the Nigerian State)
Again, we are called upon to raise our voices, dip our pens and scrutinize the very basis of our existence as a nation.
9 NigeriaWorld Letters & Viewpoints (Sabotage, NEPA and Light)
The progress towards transforming Nigeria from darkness into light is still on.
10 Nigeriaworld Letters & Viewpoints (Senate-gate and the purification process)
No one is deceived, even the international community knows that we have naïve political leaders, who are forever running to foreign nations with estacodes being lodged in foreign banks and in the same breadth asking for debt relief. What a paradox?

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