Saturday, November 27, 2021
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Arizona, USA

President Joe Biden

�Good leaders don�t care about getting credit for good intents and deeds but they�re envisioned by the courage of their convictions.� � Yahaya Balogun

The best way to predict the future is to create it.� � Peter Drucker

n a few hours from now, more than 70 million joyful Americans will be traveling from coast to coast for Thanksgiving and unique American yuletide, meeting friends and families for the p?`p?` s�ns�n (merriment) ?d�n. US President Joe Biden has ordered immediately, the release of 50 million barrels of oil from US oil strategic reserves. The President's gesture aims to cushion the effects of the astronomical price of gas at the gas pumps across America.

Every time you go out of your comfort zone or house here in the United States or travel to other States of the Union, it�s a sad reminder of the sorry state of our roads and situations in Nigeria. It�s like our leaders and the led are under a national spell. How do you expect leaders to rehabilitate the roads and situations when they have not even rehabilitated their own mindfulness?

In real-time, the responsible government reacts to the sufferings of the American people, a sharp contrast to the ways of politicians in third-world countries. In the United States of America, politicians are held accountable at the polls. If one administration performs well to the expectations of voters, the administration will be given express tickets to sail through the next general election. The reverse is the case in third-world countries where vulnerable citizens are responsible for the corruption and irresponsible governance of their politicians.

Unfortunately, though, voters are queens and kings in America. As a result, American voters sometimes ruefully and naughtily elect their leaders when cocooned in their comfort zones. This case in the 2016 general produced the unprecedented administrative maladies and chaos we grappled with for more than four years under a chronic divisive President. Every voter paid dearly for the chaos they voted into power in 2016. American voters are only getting wise after they've weathered the storms of political gangsterism and irresponsibility.

Exceptionally, American voters dictate the swinging pendulum of their political lives. When voters cough in America, the politicians shiver. No politician, crafty, con, or decent, can mess with voters' constitutional rights at the polling booths. You have constitutional rights to choose your leaders. President Biden knows that the best way to avoid the wraths of voters is to be a responsible custodian of their mandate. Consequently, the caveat is: the US midterm and reelection is to make a reality the popular wishes of the people that put him in power with their mandate.

Elections have consequences. Political apathy and ignorance do have more significant consequences. President Biden is toiling a fine line with the people-oriented programs he has begun. Those who are clogs in the wheels of Biden's agenda will pay heavily at the polls in the 2022 US midterm election, and 2024 general election.

Thanks to President Biden's administration for this lofty goal of easing the sufferings and making lives more meaningful and easy for the American people. Consequently, 2021 Thanksgiving is another year everyone enjoys the bountiful results of the year-to-date of their hard labor with the robustness of Turkey, fine wine, and togetherness.

In nostalgia, the Covid-19 pandemic of the last year-2020 stultified the merriment of the American people. Every responsible American citizen is now jabbed with Covid-19 vaccines. We have chosen to live than die from arrogance, ignorance, and unnecessary fear from the amplification of conspiracy theories of the right-wing media. We are more at peace to hug and mingle with families and friends at this year's Thanksgiving. However, this year (2021) will make up for the bad nostalgic experience of the 2020 global lockdown. I wish every American who will be coasting from coast to coast to drive safely on the roads and enjoy Thanksgiving merriment while it lasts.