Femi AwodeleSaturday, April 18, 2015




Dear Son/Daughter

feel I must explain why I referred to you all as sons and daughters. I’m a father of three, an adult and two teenagers. I was born and raised in Christianity and raising my own kids in the same faith. I’m in full-time ministry (not ordained by human but called by God) and that ministry includes influencing public policies.

For the past 10 years, I have juggled my role as a parent (and husband), as a ministry person, as a public advocate for righteousness in my city and state (to some extent nationally and internationally), what I have witnessed is short of appalling and I believe somebody in my generation owe you an apology and perhaps help point you to the Way, the Truth and Life – you only way out of this deliberate complex web of nonsense called world you’ve found yourself.

In the bible, specifically Judges 2: 10 – the author of the book of Judges (possibly prophet Samuel) wrote that, after the death of Joshua (along with his generation) there arose another generation who did not know God (they know Him from a religious standpoint) but they were not taught the right history, hence each person did what they considered “good” – they lacked quality leaders.

To say that I don’t understand what it means not to be taught the right theology or doctrine would be a lie. I was raised in church as well, and I could only point to a handful of people who lived what was said from the pulpit. There was a leader who molested girls (everyone pretended it did not happen). There were uncles who sweat like crazy clapping at church but spend Sunday afternoon drinking beer. Then there were the rich folks who would not relate to the poor in the same church.

These were what I recollect growing up at church. I did leave church at age 15 because I could not deal with the hypocrisy – I joined a gang and went the other way. Thank God for Christ and for a praying Grandma and Mom, whose prayers kept me from myself and eventually God Himself grabbed me by my collar on a Sunday morning in March 1989 and brought me back to Himself (those early Sunday School classes meant something).

Now as an exposed born-again (public policy and faith ministry at leadership levels) adult – my generation has done you a great disservice in every realm of life. We failed to teach you truth that convicts rather we pampered you. Rather than lean on the arm of flesh, we relied on our understanding in raising you – creating self-absorbed monsters (see some of you might need therapy for my using the word – monster).

Let me start with the church (body of Christ). Sometime in the early 20th century – about 1917 approximately, ideology that puts focus on self apart from a creator started to gain ground. After the second world war, England followed this crazy ideology shaming their war hero (Sir Winston Churchill) who kept telling them they are taking the wrong path. By the late 1950s – this ideology took over the education realm as progressives, took over the political realm as maxism, communism and the lite version socialism. The media, entertainment elites soon became the propaganda arm. To have deep roots, this ideology of SELF needed to contaminate the true gospel – it did in the form of new doctrine and teaching.

Seeing that this doctrine of self is profitable – many jumped on the band-wagon, calling it many things, of course like anything from the enemy – not only does it sound good it had a lot of truth in it, but when viewed with the lense of biblical Christianity it stinks of SELF. This new teaching reversed what Jesus taught in Matt. 6: 33, we now seek fervently stuff first while seeking Christ and His Righteous Kingdom became optional. Just apply the principle, be rich then you can bless God’s work. Not develop an intimate relationship with Christ and let Him flow through you (and whatever flowing through you brings).

To keep this terrible but profitable teaching – we turned God’s house into an entertainment center. No longer did the Holy Spirit lead, we now have formula for everything, sermon was no longer inspired but tested through polling and tough messages are discarded – we now call them judging. The essence of a youth group is now entertainment, we convinced ourselves that bringing you in and letting you hear “some” truth is better than speaking convicting words that would lead to repentance, but fewer people in the pew then less income. Success is no longer measure in obedience to God on the mission field but in numbers of attendance and how much income “our” church has. Our leaders now compete with worldly people for the most influential and or who can buy the latest private jet. We taught you religion but our lives did not line up with what we teach. The level of divorce in the church is the same as in the world. There is nothing that makes the church unique or standout.

So, fast forward to today – truth is had to come-by, allegiance to man of God (not servant of a great God) is more common than allegiance to Christ – if you complain then you are “rebelling” or “don’t obey authority”. Most in your generation who have been fed entertainment bologna by the church, can’t defend your faith intellectually when confronted by professors who don’t understand spiritual things (over 70% of you become lukewarm about faith or abandone it after going to college). Most of you never grew up being told about different worldviews vs. biblical Christianity worldview.

You grew up with the media and entertainment industry who hate Christianity and always “featuring” – abusive Catholic priests, a rich pimp pastor, the fight among the Presybetarians and Episcopalians and Lutherans, and soft scandals such as Hollywood pastors show on TV. Your view of Christianity is a mega show of shame where unbelievers take the podium to teach self-help crap, where Christian musicians who got their start in gospel now want to win secular awards (I just deleted one of them from my facebook likes - it really hurts me too, becasue I knew him before he became famous at a Christian camp my kids attended).

The media and entertainment elites have also told you a big fat lie about Biblical Christianity worldview and political affiliation. They told you this ideology that puts self on the throne of his/her heart is really cool, they told you that Christianity is about love (love here is indulgence – not a decision or choice to do – especially what Christ says – those who love me obey my commandments) and doing good, not preceded by a relationship where His Spirit bear witness with our spirit “that we are His children”. This one lie has held many of you captive – because you really want to do good. Unfortunately too, either your church agree with that crap or simply fail to teach you gospel truth.

Not only have they (the world system) redefined words they have misinterpreted words, so tolerance is no longer disagreeing with your act but still having you as a friend - to if you don’t accept my act then you must hate me. The media tells you – this political party is cool, this person (who is morally bankrupt) is cool – it is okay because you are not perfect yourself. They tell you this other political party are about two issues, they tell you those issues don’t matter in 2015 – they don’t have facts but they have repeated lies so many times with emotion (showing you life examples) that many of you get caught up in it – because that is what you were taught growing up at church as well. I doubt if your pastor have done a teachin or series on nations who did not obey vs. those who obeyed (see Pslams 33: 12-14). I bet you - you have heard about your God who is not poor (that is true too).

Allow me as a Dad to say sorry one more time. Now how do we retrace our steps back?

First, it is important for you to know that Christianity is not simply about doing good. Faith starts by believing in Jesus Christ and confessing that He is my personal Lord and Savior. This believing and confessing connects your spirit to God’s Spirit. Jesus describes the process as being grafted into the True Vine (Himself) and it is now the True Vine who supplies nutrients needed by you as a branch to bear Fruit. According to Jesus, a branch (humans) cannot bear fruit with the True Vine (see John 15: 1-8).

Bearing fruit is what you have been taught as doing good. it is now based on what is popular, not first a relationship with Christ then obedience to God's word, and through the gifts in your life and the passion He burdens your soul with, then you now bless others for Hid glory.

Second, Christianity is not about the cool music or a preacher who is great in oratory or dynamic with marketing. Christianity is about the relationship of the branch and the true Vine. It requires total surrender (death to self), reliance on God – meaning obeying His word (even when I don’t get it logically) and following the lead of the Holy Spirit. This is not imcompatible with science. Science is based on data analysis - science does not have answer to everything. Faith based on Christianity is the Holy Spirit residing in you giving you insight into spiritual things from eternity past to eternity to come. As a scientist with Christian faith you have a upper hand, becasue it is only God who chooses to reveal things at the appropriate time (see Deut. 29: 29).

The life of a Christian is a journey with ups and downs, each designed for specific purposes. All over the bible we learn that going through a tough time or a valley is meant to help us mature (perseverance, spiritually and emotionally). We are taught how to hold on through a valley situation knowing that God will not let us be tempted beyond our capacity (whatever that is – He knows). Christianity is not some cult we join and live a fake happily ever after, it is a relationship we have and God wants to reach others through us on that journey. It is not a Me, myself and I crap. God is on the throne of our lives, not us.

Faith and Sciences/Engineering are not incompatible, in-fact they complement each other, true science that is. There are so many things today that science have no answer for, because God has not revealed them to men, but there are also more stuff that can be answered through science that does not need a metaphysical explanation – I’m personally very fascinated by neurology or neuro-science, or anything science that helps explain the behaviors or habits of men. The ones I know so far compliment the bible especially in the area of marriage institution.

I want to suggest to you that you challenge your church leadership for theological, doctrinal and worldview teachings? Ask them how what they are teaching is applicable to real life – not some have fun stuff on Friday or Saturday night. If your own church is lacking find a youth group that teaches the bible or attend a bible class in your city. Except you have parents who already feed you God’s truth, the onus would be on you. Look for mentors or people who you know teach bible truth and live what they teach and ask them questions – find a good outlet on social media and ask godly questions. I answer a lot of questions daily from people I don’t know but they have questions that bothers them. The bible is a book of Patterns and Princles - seek to know the nature of God base don how He related to His people Israel and seek the principles He already laid down through which blessings comes. Ignore those who teach and pray blessings without the "If thou would..."

You not only have the calling to develop yourself but also raise the next generation and reverse what your parents and grandparents have done. You must pull down all the altars of humanism – self they have built. May the good Lord help you restore your generation like King Asa. You can do it - and this Uncle is praying for you and your generation.

Brother/Uncle Femi
