Otunba IlemobadeSaturday, August 15, 2015
[email protected]




ccording to P.L. Berger "The future is empirically inaccessible, predictions, however scientific in manner are disputable''.

The above statement is a truism I am in accord with, we cannot shy away from it when we are ruminating, discussing about a controversial subject matter like the concept, attitude, behaviour, known as corruption.

The war on corruption sweeping like a tidal wave of tsunami across Nigeria is a welcome development given the epochal characterization of graft, stealing, corrupt practices in our clime, however we cannot say with absolute conviction what the outcome of the process would be.

I am pleased with the development to rid Nigeria of corrupt practices.

According to Hegel "The subjective right of self consciousness to know whether an action is truly good or evil in character must not be thought of as so colliding with the absolute right of the objectivity".

Corruption is objectively evil and we must kill corruption.

"In hypocrisy there enters in addition the formal character of falsity, first the falsity of holding up evil as good in the eyes of others of setting oneself up to all appearances as good, conscientious, pious"- Hegel.

A manifestation in the character of some peace committee members.

In our discourse on corruption we subconsciously adopt hypocrisy of bypassing the merit of "culturalcentricism" influenced by our traditional value system, the concept of OMOLUABI, an all encompassing socio-moral determinant of our behavoiur as human.

This concept can be found in other cultures.

Corruption is evil and we must kill corruption, this is a given, we must not allow the perversion of evil into good as espoused by some members of the so called peace committee recently, there is no probability in evil, if we do not kill corruption now the evil peddler, the partakers in disagreeable conduct might want to intimidate us into alignment using their false theologian authority.

They have started on the road of infamy disputing the process and methodology of waging a neccessary war against corruption that we all fought tooth and nail for, we must not give them the chance to truncate our struggle, every opportunity and attempt must be made to shout them down because the war against corruption must go on.

The enemy of the people and progress towards sanity in the system will fight back, note Nigerians we must take this war against corruption seriously because this is our best chance to annihilation of this cancer.

Those against this momentum have a unilinear thinking process supported by the belief that we Nigerians are docile political actors with an underdeveloped consciousness to fight corruption, please we must prove them wrong by defending, supporting, @mbuhari to win this war for us/Nigerians.

