Archbishop Gloria GraceSunday, August 10, 2014
[email protected]




And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimonies...(Revelations 12:11).

his article is to empower the world and all the readers not to fear this disease called Ebola and all the evil arrows of the wicked one. God has made a provision against them called the Blood of Jesus, and the word of God. Through personal testimonies we will see how the power of the Blood of Jesus overcomes the most deadly diseases, natural disasters, killers, and all the arrows of the enemy. Understanding and entering into the covenant of the Blood of Jesus, is the only effective weapon to combat all the works of the enemy. Every testimony I shared along the way is very relevant to the benefits of the Blood of Jesus which will stir you to spiritually protect your family from the disease and from other arrows of the enemy.

The whole world is scared about this disease they call Ebola even here in the USA. It is a deadly disease that eats the body, and has already claimed too many lives within a short time of its discovery. It looks like a disease that defy human medical efforts and scientists. It is only one of the life threatening diseases that befall humanity such as AIDS and cancer most of which defy medical treatment at times, but those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

I remember getting up from bed sometime in 2010, and felt so much pain in my right breast, the area towards my right arm. Touching it, it was a big lump. I called my children to touch it, each of them confirmed it was a lump. Very painful! I was very scared. I looked at my children especially my then seven year old son, and screamed no! I am not going to let the devil take me away from my children.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is the second time I was dealing with what I could call breast cancer. I remembered the word of God:

And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimonies...(Revelations 12:11), and God's promise that says:

...I will put none of these diseases on you which I put on the Egyptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26).

Out of desperation, and knowing that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18: 21), I took advantage of the power of life in my tongue and began to release healing Scriptures against the lump. I reminded God that He promised not to lay the disease, which He laid upon the Egyptians, upon me. I ran to my doctor's office, but they had moved. I called my insurance company to give me another Doctor and so I booked appointment to see him on Monday. This was Friday. But before Monday, the lump had disappeared and all the pain gone. "He restores my soul"!I have had this same miracle again two more times. My body will never accept disease because, it is the Tabernacle of the most High God, His dwelling place, and disease which is corruption will never share my body with the Holy Spirit, amen!

Recently over Facebook, someone desperately contacted me to pray for her mother dying from aids, very desperate. The way she described her condition was very bad. I asked her to follow the direction am giving her: buy a bottle of grape juice or coke and bread as a token of the Blood and Body of Jesus Christ, take it to anointed man of God to bless it as in communion and give it to her mother, everyday. Then Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His Blood, ye have no life in you (John 6: 53). After this, I forgot everything about her. Another day, she contacted me for her own desperate condition and I began to decree health over her, as she was saying Amen, amen, she testified that her mother survived and is getting better. She reminded me about the instruction I gave her concerning her dying mother. THE BLOOD OF JESUS WILL NEVER LOSE IT'S POWER.


When the Lord delivered His people from Egyptian bondage and led them through the Red Sea into the wilderness, they wandered for three days without water. And when they got to Marah, the people complained for the water was bitter.

Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. There the Lord God entered into the covenant of healing with them, thus revealing one of His covenant names, Jehovah Rapha meaning, I am the Lord who heals you ( Exodus 15:24-26). As they drank that water, they were all healed and the word says that there was no feeble person among them (Psalm 105: 37)..

On the Cross therefore, He brought us into that covenant through the stripes that fell on the Lord Jesus Christ (by whose stripes you were healed). Through His death, He bought back our lives, which was sold to the enemy through sin and disobedience. He paid in full the price for our lives, and for our nations. He purchased us with His own Blood (Acts 20:28). It was a very costly ransom. The word of God says that the purpose for which the Son of God was made manifest is to destroy the works of the enemy. By this, He gave His flesh for the life of the world, and laid down His life as the good shepherd lays down His life for his sheep (John 10: 11). He was a suffering Servant, and He died the most shameful and humiliating death. Our curses, sicknesses, sorrows, hardships, sins and deaths were laid upon Him. It was a substitutionary death, which means that He died in our stead. In Egypt during the Passover, the lambs were slaughtered and their blood was put on the door posts and window posts of the people of Israel as a substitute for the lives of all their firstborns, whereas the firstborn of the Egyptian families were all killed that very night, because there was no substitute for their lives. In the same way, the Lord Jesus gave His life on the Cross as a substitute for our lives so that we shall never be judged with the world. By taking our place on the Cross, He purchased for us eternal life and fellowship with the Father. He exchanged death for life for us, health for sickness, blessings for curses and eternal life for eternal death, for us.

Galatians 3: 13-14, Christ has redeemed us from from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree, that the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promised spirit.

At the time of His death on the Cross, we were still the Gentile nations but through His death, He opened the way for us to be adopted into the family of God through redemption, and to receive the covenant blessings of Abraham. Such blessings apart from material wealth, also includes healing from all diseases, deliverance from enemies and the gift of Holy Spirit. As His purchased possessions, we are His Bride and the Bride Price was paid by his Blood. As He is, so are we for we are His flesh and Blood sharing in His Union with the Father. Healing therefore, is our our meat.These promises are true in Him.

Let's look at some healing scriptures for our meditation:

And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest upon thee, but will lay them upon all those who hate thee (Deuteronomy 7: 15)

If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26).

So you shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the mist of you (Exodus 23: 25).

Malachi 4: 2, But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you shall go forth, leaping with joy li/e calves let out to pasture

Matthew 4: 23, 24 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all kinds sicknesses and all kinds of diseases among the people. Then His fame went throughout all Syria, and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon possessed, epileptics, and paralytics, and He healed them all.

What the Lord Jesus did in person, He is still doing through those whom He commissioned to carry the gospel to the ends of the world, and He is still doing to anyone who receives Him as his/her personal Lord and Savior. Such a person shall be saved, and by faith receive the coverage from the arrows of evil diseases and all the arrows of the enemy which includes accidents, killers, burglars, and all the works of the enemy. The Bible says that the thief comes not, but to steal, kill and destroy, but the Lord Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundant (John 10: 10).

While the Egyptians suffered the ten plagues which includes boils like Ebola, yet none of those plagues touched the people of God.

Applying the Blood of Jesus on the doors and the window posts of the people of Israel protected them and their loved ones from divine Judgment as the Lord passed through the land of Egypt using an angel of death to destroy all the firstborn of Egypt.


Sometime in 1983 (in my late teens)when I went back to school for my West African Examination Council (WAEC), I rented a room with the help of the Assemblies of God Pastor in the area with my letter of recommendation from my home Pastor. She was an elderly woman and a member of their Church. I began to experience scratches on my body in the morning, which was witchcraft activities on me. Remembering the story of the deliverance of God's people from Egyptian bondage, when they applied the blood of lambs on the door-and window posts, I began to apply the blood of Jesus by faith over the doors and windows before I slept. The woman became so troubled that she began to accuse me of trying to kill her. I constantly pled the Blood of Jesus and also sang the song that the Blood will not lose its power. She screamed and screamed, reported me over and over to the Pastor that I was troubling her so much, wanting to kill her. Eventually she said: That Blood that is always in your mouth.... Now I know. The powerful protecting power of the Blood of Jesus. It was a very tough time with her, but she eventually went blind.

When the people of God were entering Jericho, which was surrounded by walls, Rahab was asked to put a red chord on her window as a token of the blood of the Passover lamb. Everyone that came under her roof was saved from the destruction of Jericho. That scarlet chord was pointing to the Blood of Jesus, which Rahab appropriated by faith and so, though sentenced for death like all the Amorite nations, she received the benefits of the life of God through the blood of the lamb.


This testimony also demonstrates the power of God through the Blood of Jesus to protect our families from natural disasters and pestilence that stalks at darkness.

When I came back from Nigeria in 2012, I got up from bed around 3:00am to use the restroom. I felt a solid presence of someone in the house. I was unarmed, and all my family members were in bed upstairs. I just knew someone was downstairs. Without thinking about what to do, I briefly said: "Father I cover everyone in my house in the Blood of Jesus", and slept off. He gives His beloved sleep (Psalm 127: 2). In the morning, I alerted everyone that someone was in the house, last night. I tried changing our locks that day instead of waiting for a handyman, but I messed up the the lock to the door that leads to the basement. So, I pushed a heavy table to block that entrance, and brought my things downstairs to sleep there. Earlier that year, we relocated to the area before I traveled, so we were still getting familiar with the environment. We were surrounded mostly with Caucasian American people in the entire neighborhood, with very few black. So it was a white environment. Most of them had their Hindus and Budhist's statutes. I spent most of my nights in spiritual warfare.

That night around 9pm, the door that led to the basement tried to open but was stopped by the table. The person was coming in through the backyard into the basement (unlocking the basement door from outside) and towards the living room. I went down and carefully blocked the basement door with a very solid piece of wood that rested between the door nob and the heating and cooling system. The third night, there was another attempt to break in for it was more than one person this time, as they left some drill on the door with red marks of finger prints as they tried hard to open the door. I took a bottle of olive oil, blessed it and declared it a token of the Blood of Jesus. Standing on the upstairs balcony, I poured all of it in front of that door and decreed that no angel of death, no unclean thing, no evil, no disaster will cross that door and enter into our house. I began to anoint the windows and doorposts of the entire house, and on the floor entrance of every door, everyday, declaring that:

When disaster comes upon the land, it will see the Blood on the door and window posts and shall pass over.

No evil shall befall us, neither shall any plague come near our dwelling (Psalm 91: 10).

Each morning, I would share communion with all my family before everyone left the house. The man trying to break in became very desperate. My neighbors seem to know about it, because he was no longer doing it secretly. One evening, I drove my car to the backyard knowing that someone had been trying to break in for the past two hours according to my daughter who was in the house while I was out. As I stepped out of the car to check the backyard door, He emerged from my next door neighbors house and was face to face with me...a white male in his forties, brown hair with his two hands in his winter jacket pockets, moving very swiftly like someone who was ready to attack with a weapon in his pockets. As he was looking at me, he was heading to the front yard. I jumped back into my car to drive back to the front, but as soon as I flashed my headlight in front of my house I saw that he was trying to break in through the front door, but ran off again towards the backyard and I ran after him with my car. But he vanished into my next-door neighbor's house again. There was snow all over the place. I called police and showed them his foot prints. I also showed them the red finger prints and the drills they left on the backdoor as they tried very hard to open the door one of those nights. They reprimanded me for not letting them know about it on time, and for taking such a risk running after the burglar. He could not break into the house whether we were there or not, because of the protection of the Blood of Jesus we applied each day. The Lord eventually moved us away from there. I am talking about protecting your family from all disasters including sudden deaths and deadly diseases.


It was about three weeks since I started applying the token of the Blood of Jesus (anointing oil) all over the house declaring that our house is a house on the hill like Rahab's house. If natural disaster or any evil shall come upon the land, it will not touch us because we are under the cover of the Blood, no disease, no angel of death and no unclean thing shall enter the Lord's heritage, our house. Within this period, Hurricane Sandy struck. I watched everything on TV, and nothing happened in our area, not even a branch of tree fell. It was just a light rain and wind. I was very surprised to watch the damages the flood was causing, the deaths, people displaced from homes, floods that could even drown a car. A woman had to remove her children from inside an SUV and placed them on the roof, but the flood washed them away. Electricity was gone in many areas, but we were completely and totally safe. Like Joseph, I prepared ahead of time by applying and protecting my house by the Blood of Jesus.Thank God for the burglar who stirred me into action to protect my house and family by the Blood of Jesus.All things work together for good to them that love God, and to them that are the called according to His purpose.We would also have been protected if Hurricane Sandy was still an outbreak of evil disease.


...I am the Lord that heals thee

All my testimonies above point to the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ to protect us from natural disasters, diseases, witchcraft and all the arrows of the enemy. We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the words of our testimonies Revelation 12: 11). As the disease is spreading internationally, enter into the covenant of the Blood of Jesus, the Blood of your redemption. The Power is in your tongue. Speak the word of God over your loved ones, yourself and appropriate the benefits of the Blood of Jesus by application over the door and window posts of your house, by communion of the bread and wine and declare that no plague and no angel of death shall enter into your dwelling place, or touch any of your loved ones. You and your household shall be immune from all the arrows that fly by day and pestilence that stalks at darkness, especially with this deadly disease.

Jehovah Rapha (The Lord our Healer) will not lay the diseases, which He put upon the Egyptians (who had no covenant with Him), upon us His redeemed ones. It is only in having a relationship with Him through the Lord Jesus Christ....by whose stripes you were healed (2 Peter 2: 24), that you will enter into the benefit of the Blood of Jesus Christ, thus escaping Ebola. Receive Him today into your life. Confess Him as the Lord of your life, and enter into the covenant benefit of His Blood even in times like this, and apply the Blood over your household. For more information or for speaking appointments, strategic prayer warfare/ prophetic prayer conferences, Apostolic/Prophetic Summits and Training, Christian Parenting conference, send an email at: [email protected]. My mandate is to raise the Lord's armies across the globe. You are blessed!
